Marty Lurie Talks San Francisco Giants Baseball

Posts from — November 2003

Sunday Morning Muse

While the Evil Empire fights their own private Star Wars episode with the good folks from Boston, the rest of the baseball world will begin their holiday shopping within the next week or so.

Now that Curt Schilling has chosen Boston as his home for the next three years, the remaining free agent pitchers will quickly fall into place.

No doubt that the Yankees will counter the Boston move by resigning Andy Pettitte one of these days. Houston won’t kick in the necessary 45 million or so to lock Pettitte up, so the Yankees should keep their top lefty.

Next who will it be joining Mike Mussina and Pettitte in the rotation? Most likely Bartolo Colon since he will cost mere dollars instead of first baseman Nick Johnson, the price mentioned for Javier Vasquez of Montreal.

But what about Jeff Weaver, the Yankees forgotten righthanded starter?

Click below for the latest on his possible destination? [Read more →]

November 30, 2003   No Comments

Sunday Morning Muse

Nothing like some 35 degree temperatures to make baseball seem closer than it actually is. As of today, there are 84 days until the pitchers and catchers report for spring training on February 15th. Sounds pretty close.

This morning the question remains will Ramon Hernandez be the Oakland Athletics catcher on February 15th?

Click below for more! [

November 23, 2003   No Comments

The Giants and the A's; Conjectures and Trades by Ed Stern

Interesting stories in today’s sports pages respecting both the Giants and the A’s. With respect to the Giants, the headline is “Forget about Guerrero, Sheffield as additions.”

Ray Ratto is of the opinion that the Giants will not spend the money needed to get either of these right fielders. He may be right. If he is, the sentiment recently mentioned here, that Sabean wants to win it all now, should be modified to “Sabean wants to win it all now, if it can be done within the budget.”


November 20, 2003   No Comments

Hot Stove League Report

A Rod is the MVP of the American League. I’ve gone on record many times saying he is overrated, mainly because he sold out and went for the dough by signing with Texas, a team with little chance of reaching the postseason.

It’s no secret if you watch A Rod play that he has disappeared at the critical moments during his tenure with the Rangers. Still with the numbers he puts up he is tough to ignore when the MVP vote is taken. This season he won the award because no player from a playoff team had a knock your socks off type year.

Carlos Delgado and A Rod were the favorites because they were going to be named within the top five on more ballots than anyone else.

A Rod has acknowledged that the Rangers are trying to trade him this off season. He gave the go ahead earlier in the summer when he sent out the trial balloon indicating that he wouldn’t oppose a trade if the Rangers were so inclined.

Will he move on?

Click below and let’s talk some hot stove baseball about A Rod and others. [Read more →]

November 17, 2003   No Comments

Sabean: His Plan is to Win Now by Ed Stern

Once again, Sabean has let it be known that rebuilding is not the name of the game as far as the Giants are concerned. The trade for Pierzynski is, among other considerations, a message to those free agents sitting out there, that the team is intending in 2004 to make it to the World Series. There are a few free agents available who are capable of turning this team into a prime contender for the ultimate prize. One of them, for example, is Gary Sheffield. [Read more →]

November 15, 2003   No Comments

Hot Stove League Gearing Up

One thing that separates baseball from the other sports is the amount of interest that is generated once the season comes to a close.

In many ways, the baseball offseason is more interesting on a day to day basis than either the NHL, NFL or NBA are in their full seasons.

With that in mind some things that may be percolating.

The Yankees may not be as panicked about redoing their club as we have been led to believe.

Click below for more on that and other thoughts!

November 6, 2003   No Comments