Marty Lurie Talks San Francisco Giants Baseball

Giants Face Rockies, A's meet Twins, Who is in Better Shape This Week

Ryan Gives us another unique look at the Giants and the A’s in his Voice of the Fan article.

Is Dusty a genius? How about the Twins? Can the A’s cool off the AL Central leaders? Will this be the week from hell for the Giants pitching staff?

Ryan answers all your questions and poses some you might not have considered in his entertaining article.

Just click “read more” and find the answers.Wow, I take it all back! Jeff Kent is on fire right now. Not, however,

on fire enough to help the Giants beat the A’s, but then, he doesn’t

pitch. Whaddaya gonna do, Giants fans? Sorry about chewing through your

pitchers like that. Have a swell time in Coors Field, I’m sure the Giants

won’t use more than 4 or 5 pitchers per night. On the plus side: Red hot

Jeff Kent in the Coors Missile Testing Range? Scarrry.

I take back what I said about Dusty, too. He obviously *is* a genius at

the psychological aspect of managing. Just let the superstars brawl, then

watch as one of them goes nuts on the field. Hell, as hot as Kent has

been since he got into it with Bonds, if I were Dusty, I’d wait by the

clubhouse door every day and punch Kent right in the mouth as soon as he

walked in. Clearly this is a guy who needs to be pissed off to play well.

On to more important things: the A’s. Big ups to Miguel Tejada and Barry

Zito for making the All Star squad. I see that Joe Torre eventually came

around to correct thinking and put Zito on the team, even if he may not be

able to pitch. Adding Zito, however, did not stop Torre from taking most

of the Yankee roster again. Robin Ventura? A .250 hitter? Why not throw

in John VanderWal and Ron Coomer?

The Twins are in town tonight, and they always seem to play well against

the A’s. Maybe it’s the whole young team vs. young team thing. The Twins

bullpen is astonishingly good, so clearly the key for the A’s is to score

early against the Twins spotty starters. I’m a little worried about Aaron

Harang against them tonight, these guys can hit fastballs, and in the warm

air, they might lose some of his pitches for him.

We shall see. Have a good week, everybody.



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