Marty Lurie Talks San Francisco Giants Baseball

Category — Stories from Fans

The Giants Need Some Offense

The Giants need some offense!!

While the new arrivals to the Giants: Sanders, Shinjo, Bell, et al are excellent defensive players–especially Shinjo–the team’s real need is more offense. Maybe a system of roatating players such as Feliz and Minor into the lineup along with some use of Benard and Martinez could generate some hitting into the lineup. When Feliz joins the lineup Bell can play too giving Snow or even Kent a rest.

With Bonds hurting maybe he should go on the DL until he can be 100% in the field. The idea of Bonds, a multi Gold Glove outfielder, making errors on consecutive days is just proof that he is not at his best and it isn’t just his power loss I am talking about.

The pitching looks OK especially the starters who have performed well enough that the Giants record could easily be 20-7 or even 22-5. Livan has lost two well pitched games. The bullpen has blown three others, and Rueter has pitched well enough to have a 5-0 record. Maybe Fultz is the only reliever to have had really bad outings.

Maybe the biggest problem for the long haul is that the Giants seem to have no faith in their younger players–and this goes back to at least 1997. How long did it take before Rich Aurilia could land the starting shortstop job away from journeymen like Jose Vizcaino and Rey Sanchez? While having veterans gives the team stability, I think that prospects such as Feliz and Minor ought to get some playing time especially when the veterans are not really producing. Snow seems to have lost his knack for driving in runs, so there are a couple of solutions available on the roster: Kent can play first and David Bell move to second base. Then Feliz, who seems to be hitting much better this year, could get into the lineup–and I don’t mean batting eighth. This would seem an excellent idea when the Giants face lefthanders. Snow always looks paralyzed against lefties. And Minor will never develop as a power hitter getting to bat five times a week. Maybe the Giants need to use Minor at first with Bell sitting out against some right handers and Snow out of there most of the time.

Also, Torrealba should get more than an occasional start to see if he has a big league bat. Besides Santiago needs a rest at least two games a week so his leadership on the field is available in August and September.

Shinjo is the best in center field and after the past two years going with non center fielders like Benard and Dunston–or a non hitter like Murray–he looks even better as a fielder. But he doesn’t give the Giants what they need–a leadoff hitter who plays center field. Shinjo not getting on base means his great speed is not utilized to set up Aurillia, Bonds, and Kent. Having him hit seventh means the bottom of the order is almost non productive much of the time especially when Santiago is out of the lineup. Bell is passable at leadoff because he can get on base–but he is not fast enough to move himself to second and often dies there when the job of bringing in runs gets past Kent to Snow or Sanders who haven’t been hitting.

16-11 is a miracle given the Giants lack of production so far, but it would seem that they need to take steps to vary their offense when they can go through weeks losing games by scores like 2-1, 4-3, 9-2, 8-4.

Bill Graff [

May 2, 2002   No Comments

General Praise

“I thoroughly enjoy both Right Off the Bat and Memories of the Game. You have a knack of drawing out your guest, and allowing him to be the main event instead of featuring yourself (unlike a long-time annoyance on KNBR who shall remain nameless–Ralph Barbieri). When you do have the air to yourself, your observations and opinions are also enjoyable. Thanks for the good work.”

– Fan from AOL [

March 31, 2002   No Comments

On Kerouac

Did you see the small article in the paper about all the old Kerouac papers the family has donated to a museum? The Sacramento Bee only mentioned in passing that the papers included a complicated baseball game he invented, but the Eureka paper (I was up there meeting my grandaughter) had a full story. [Read more →]

March 31, 2002   No Comments

Baseball and Marty Lurie

One of the things I like most about Marty Lurie, who hosts the baseball show “Right Off the Bat,” before every Oakland Athletics game, is that he loves the game in a way I rarely see these days. [Read more →]

March 31, 2002   No Comments


By Paul Hirsch

Dodgers move to LA

Few men in sports history have been vilified to the degree that Walter O’Malley was when he moved the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles in 1957. In some quarters, that vilification has not ceased. Countless trees have died supporting the contention that he ripped the franchise from the bosom of a borough that has never recovered its identity or self esteem. Also in existence are clinically detailed accounts of the battles between the Dodgers and New York officials who refused to believe that what happened in Philadelphia, St. Louis and Boston could happen in the unofficial capitol of the world. For the next 800 or so words the reader is asked to put himself in the shoes of Walter O’Malley musing his options shortly after the 1956 World Series, and then answer the question, What would you do?. [Read more →]

March 31, 2002   No Comments


By Jerry Feitelberg

Boston Red Sox

The game of baseball has always been part of my life ever since I was 7 years old . My first memories are those of listening on the radio to the 1946 World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the St.Louis Cardinals. Boston is my hometown and my father and I were hoping that the Red Sox would win the Series and become World Champs. [Read more →]

March 31, 2002   No Comments

Rick Eymer on the Road

Mark Mauro is an umpire in the Eastern League. The reason that’s important for this particular story is that he’s the reason I was able to visit Miller Park in Milwaukee, PNC Park in Pittsburgh, Comerica Park in Detroit, and old-time favorite Wrigley Field in Chicago. [Read more →]

March 31, 2002   No Comments