Stump Marty (Part II)
We love hearing from you, our fans. Send us you comments, questions, and challenges. Only requirement – it’s all about baseball.
Winners of our ‘Stump Marty’ program (if we publish your question, thoughts, ideas… on our web site, you are a winner), will receive a small token of appreciation from us. It could be a one of a kind ‘Right off the Bat’ T-shirt or a CD of Baseball Memories,… So, don’t delay, submit those Stumpers now!Hi Marty:
The new website is great. Sorry about misplaying that deep fly to left during the Coliseum game. I should have had it. I looked like Ben Grieve out there! Anyway, I’ve got a stumper for you: which two players comprised the only “Z” battery in major league history? That is, both of the players had last names beginning with the letter “Z”. I figured I’d have to come up with something pretty obscure to even have a shot at getting one by you, but you’ll probably get this one anyway!
Hope to hear from you. All the best, Chris Dorn
This question can be answered in two words Zupo and Zuverink. Frank Zupo, who lives in Millbrae, California was the youngest Oriole ever to play in a major league game for the modern Baltimore franchise.Frank was 17 when he made his big league debut in 1957. I met Frank here in the Bay Area and he has been a great inspiration in my baseball projects. George Zuverink was a right handed reliever who played for theOrioles as well as the Tigers in his big league career. I met George Zuverink when I attended Miami Marlin Triple A games in Miami Stadium in the 50’s. Thanks for the trip back to some very pleasant baseball memories.
(The questioner was my leftfielder in the A’s fantasy game held in the Coliseum recently and barely missed a flyball when I was on the mound, thus making all my runs unearned.)
Hi Marty: Love your show, cause it means I can go home from work. Question: Who once played for the New York Yankees, the New York Giants, and the Brooklyn Dodgers during the SAME baseball season? Carter B.
Good question….Gladys Gooding, the organist, one of my favorites from my days in Brooklyn. The question stumped me for a minute. -Marty
Hey Marty,
Who were the last two players to hit inside-the-park home runs in the same game? I’ll give you a hint, consider my baseball loyalty if you need help. – Paul in Dublin
Answer: David Vincent, SABR’s home run expert, comes through once again…it’s Three Rivers Stadium, May 26, 1997..sixth inning….Sammy Sosa up for the Cubbies and he hits an inside the park homer(Sammy can run) bottom of the sixth..Tony Womack, who would have trouble hitting out of the park if he hit it twice, up for the Pirates and believe it or not he hits an inside the park homer, also. It just goes to show you, that you never know what you will see at the old ball park.That was one tough question.
Who are the only 2 pitchers to give up Hr’s to Harmon Killerbrew and Mark McGwire? – Mike S.
Mike ,
Very good question. I needed to go to the home run expert, David Vincent who knows all and sees all about base clearing blasts. The two pitchers are Frank Tanana and Tommy John. By the time Mark McGwire saw John and Tanana, two soft tossing lefties who lost any fastball they once had (Tanana was especially nasty when he came up with the Angels), he probably could have walked back to the dugout, had a power shake or two, bench pressed 400 pounds, and called Sammy Sosa on his cell phone, and then returned before the pitch reached the dish and hit their fastball out of the park. For everyone’s info Mike, our questioner, is the producer of the Ultimate Pregame Show on MLB radio.
More from JW –
That sounds too much like the one about the two trains leaving the stations in Chicago and New York at the same time, etc…. but I’m guessing someone better tag that runner on second before the guy on first takes off. How many outs were there?
The runner on second is out for being hit by the ball while off the base(live ball), thus the runner on first must stay put because of the dead ball. good question, I enjoyed answering it. I never could figure out the train questions I always felt it would be easier to call the railroad and find out what time the train was due. Is there a game you would like to go to?..let me know.
OK, this may be too easy. Regarding the infield fly rule. The bases are loaded and there is no one out. The batter hits a high pop-up on the infield near third base. The third baseman calls for it, the umpire calls “infield fly”. The ball drops and rolls foul before anyone touches it. Is it a foul ball and the batter is still up, or is the batter out on the infield fly call? This happened to me in a game and I think the ump got it wrong. Can you believe it? – JW
Hey, assuming the ball never dropped in fair territory (that’s the lawyer talking – you have to establish the conditions!) you guys got robbed if the ump called you out on that play. An infield fly results in an out to the batter only if the ball is in fair territory. I’ve got one for you..what if the ball is in fair territory, the batter is called out, but with runners on first and second, the runner on second is off the base and gets hit by the pop up. Who is out and can the runner on first advance if the ball kicks away? Now, in case you are wondering, it doesn’t matter if the fielder is wearing earrings.
If Roberto Clemente had not died in the tragic plane crash in 1972(?), how would he have been viewed today in the pantheon of stars? – Steve
Roberto Clemente like a fine wine is more appreciated as a ballplayer as time goes on. His intensity is unmatched among today’s players. He was a five tool player – he hit, hit with power, ran, threw and fielded with the greatest players who ever played the game. His performance in the 1971 World Series against Baltimore was awesome. He simply willed the Pirates through his play in game seven to the victory over the Orioles. He ignited the Pirates with his base running and power against his long time buddy, Orioles lefthander Mike Cuellar in game seven. He was funny in the clubhouse often claiming that drinking goat’s milk helped him break batting slumps. Once he even had Bostonian Richie Hebner trying it. He was a special player. I saw him play in Houston in 1963 and will never forget his batting stance and how he stepped away from the plate when he made contact. His bat never left the hitting zone.
Who was the best Red sox pitcher in the last world
series they won?
Willie – Age 10
The best advice I ever received about answering a baseball question was that Babe Ruth is usually the answer. What do you know, The Babe was the best pitcher the Red Sox had the last time they won a pennant. I wonder how much Woodrow Wilson enjoyed watching the Babe pitch for the Sox.?
There are quite a few good sportswriters and sportscasters in the Bay Area. Who are the best to read and listen to?
– Rick
I enjoy listening to Lon Simmons and Bill King for pure baseball enjoyment. Lon calls the play as it happens and Bill is fully prepared for any eventuality that may occur and describes the play with a dramatic flair. Both have a good sense of humor as well as respect for baseball history. Mike Krukow speaks from his heart..there is no better color announcer around the Bay.
Bruce Jenkins displays a fans love for baseball through his baseball musings on Saturday. Lowell Cohn always gets to the heart of the story. Glenn Dickey analyzes all aspects of the game without any wasted words. Brian Murphy and Henry Schulman have a way of grabbing the fan with their first few words..always original.
Ray Ratto is a riot to read and the funny thing is he is just like that in person. Mark Purdy did the best job explaining the story of the A’s purported sale. Dave Newhouse is the keeper of the flame of Oakland sports. A very insightful writer. Mark Saxon is learning the game very quickly even with his good friend and one of my favorite writers, Howard Bryant now writing for the Bergen Record.
Good Question..
STUMPED: Now that the Marlins got creamed in S.F., is it over for us?
From: Bamboozled Beemrmom in Miami
Hi Bamboozled,
After watching the fish here in San Francisco it is clear they are on the right track, but not this year. I suggest turning your attention to the Dolphins and Hurricanes before Tony Perez turns into a pumpkin.
From Sherry and Rebekah:
Hi Marty. These stumpers are somewhat related to baseball…the personal side.
Which two famous people were best friends with Sandy Koufax? Which gas station does Ricky Henderson frequent when he’s in Oakland?
Tough questions Sherry and Rebekah,
Sandy’s two famous best friends were Walter Alston his manager who got to write Sandy’s name on the line up card every fourth day, thereby assuring Walt’s spot in Cooperstown and teammate Don Drysdale who got a $50,000.00 raise after Sandy agreed to hold out with Don in spring training.
Rickey Henderson’s favorite gas station in Oakland is the one near the airport where he fills up the tank every time the A’s let him go.
Good questions….
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