Marty Lurie Talks San Francisco Giants Baseball

San Francisco Seals book – history and interviews

Brent P. Kelley has written a book on the SF Seals, the title is “The San Francisco Seals, 1946-1957.”

It covers briefly the history of the team through WW II, then it has a history of each season from 1946 through the end of the franchise in 1957. Twenty- five former Seals are interviewed, including Ferris Fain, Con Dempsey, Reno Cheso, and Leo Righetti. The publisher is McFarland and Co., Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. 1-800-253-2187.

You can find it in any bookstore or on the net.

I’ve seen the book and it is a wonderful recollection of one of the most colorful eras in Pacific Coast League history.

You’ll enjoy reading “The San Francisco Seals 1946-1957.”

Reviewed by Marty Lurie


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